publications |
Citations 1,458; h-index 20; i10-index 26 (Google Scholar, 1/17/2021)
Madigan DJ, Shipley ON, Carlisle AB, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE & NE Hussey. In review. Isotopic tracers suggest limited trans-oceanic movements in North Pacific blue sharks (Prionace glauca). Frontiers in Marine Science.
Wright SR, Righton D, Naulaerts J, Schallert RJ, Bendall V, Griffiths C, Castleton M, David-Gutierrez D, Madigan DJ, Beard A, Clingham E, Henry L, Laptikhovsky V, Beare D, Thomas W, Block BA & M Collins. In revision. Site fidelity of yellowfin tuna in the central South Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I.
Madigan DJ, Arnoldi NS, Hussey NE & AB Carlisle. In revision. An illicit artisanal fishery reveals a new aggregation site for North Pacific white sharks. Conservation Letters.
Madigan DJ, Snodgrass OE, Hyde JR & H Dewar. In revision. Stable isotope turnover rates and fractionation in captive California yellowtail (Seriola dorsalis): insights for application to field studies. Scientific Reports.
Madigan DJ, Shipley ON & NE Hussey. In press. Applying isotopic clocks to reconstruct retrospective migration patterns in mobile marine predators in Madliger CL, Cooke SJ, Franklin CE & OP Love (Eds), Conservation Physiology: Integrating Physiology into Animal Conservation and Management. Oxford University Press.
Madigan DJ, Richardson AJ, Carlisle AB, Weber SB, Brown J & NE Hussey. 2020. Water column structure defines vertical habitat of twelve pelagic predators in the South Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Chiang W-C, Chang C-T, Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Musyl MK, Chang Y-C, Hsu H-H, Su N-J, Sun C-L, Ho Y-S & C-T Tseng. 2020. Stable isotope analysis reveals feeding ecology and trophic position of black marlin (Istiompax indica) in waters off eastern Taiwan. Deep Sea Research Part II.
Bastien G, Barkley A, Chappus J, Heath V, Popov S, Smith R, Tran T, Currier S, Fernandez DC, Okpara P, Owen V, Franks B, Hueter R, Madigan DJ, Fischer C, McBride B & NE Hussey. 2020. Inconspicuous, recovering, or northward shift: Status and management of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences.
Tamburin E, Elorriaga-Verplancken FR, Estupiñan-Montaño C, Madigan DJ, Sánchez-González A, Padilla MH, Wcisel M & F Galván-Magaña. 2020. New insights into the trophic ecology of juvenile white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in waters off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Marine Biology 167:55.
Wright S, Righton D, Riley A, Stamford T, Beard A, Clingham E, Henry L, Thomas W, Caswell D, Madigan DJ, Schallert R, Castleton M, Block BA & M Collins. 2019. Review of St Helena yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) tagging data. Collective Volumes of Scientific Papers: ICCAT 76(6): 207-28.
Ohshimo S, Madigan DJ, Kodama T, Tanaka H, Komoto K, Suyama S, Ono T & T Yamakawa. 2019. Isoscapes reveal patterns of δ13C and δ15N of pelagic forage fish and squid in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 175: 124-138.
Tamburin E, Kim S, Elorriaga-Verplancken FR, Madigan DJ, Hoyos-Padilla M, Sánchez-González A, Hernández-Herrera A, Castillo-Geniz JL, Godinez-Padilla CJ & F Galván-Magaña. 2019. Isotopic niche and resource sharing among young white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) from Baja California, Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 613: 107-124.
Chang C-T, Chiang W-C, Chang Y-C, Musyl MK, Sun C-L, Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Hsu H-H, Chang Q-X, Su N-J, Ho Y-S & C-T Tseng. 2019. Stable isotope analysis reveals ontogenetic feeding shifts in Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) off eastern Taiwan. Journal of Fish Biology 94(6): 958-965.
Shipley ON, Lee C-S, Fisher NS, Burruss G, Frisk MG, Brooks EJ, Zuckerman ZC, Herrmann AD & DJ Madigan. 2019. Trophodynamics and mercury bioaccumulation in reef and open-ocean fishes from The Bahamas with a focus on two teleost predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 608: 221-232.
Baumann Z, Madigan DJ & NS Fisher. 2019. Radioactive cesium from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in migratory marine animals in Nakajima T, Ohara T, Uematsu M & Y Onda (Eds), Environmental contamination by the nuclear power station accident: Earth Science aspects of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Station Accident. Cambridge University Press.
Madigan DJ. 2019. Dynamics of trans-Pacific migration in Pacific bluefin tuna based on chemical tracer techniques in BA Block (Ed.), Bluefin Futures. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Madigan DJ, Kitagawa T, Fisher NS, Baumann H, Snodgrass OE, Dewar H, Runsheng Y, Krabbenhoft DP & EM Sunderland. 2018. Mercury stable isotopes reveal influence of foraging depth on mercury concentrations and growth in Pacific bluefin tuna. Environmental Science & Technology 52(11): 6256-6264.
Madigan DJ, Snodgrass OE & NS Fisher. 2018. From migrants to mossbacks: tag and tracer-inferred habitat shifts in the California yellowtail Seriola dorsalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 597: 221-230.
Bird C, Trueman CN, Verrissimo A, Abrantes KG, Al-Reasi HA…Madigan DJ & others. 2018. A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 299-305.
Madigan DJ, Boustany A & BB Collette. 2017. East not least for Pacific bluefin tuna. Science 357(6349): 356-357.
Guerra AS, Madigan DJ & DJ McCauley. 2017. The worth of giants: The consumptive and non-consumptive use value of the giant seabass (Stereolepis gigas). Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems 28(2): 296-304.
Ohkouchi N, Chikaraishi Y, Close HG, Fry B, Larsen T, Madigan DJ, McCarthy MD, McMahon KW, Nagata T, Naito YI, Ogawa NO, Popp BN, Steffan S, Takano Y, Tayasu I, Wyatt ASJ, Yamaguchi YT & Y Yokoyama. 2017. Advances in the application of amino acid nitrogen isotopic analysis in ecological and biogeochemical studies. Organic Geochemistry 113: 150-174.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Snodgrass OE, Dewar H, Berman-Kowalewski M, Nishikawa J, Dutton PH, Weng KC & NS Fisher. 2017. Assessing Fukushima-derived radiocesium in migratory Pacific predators. Environmental Science & Technology 51(16): 8962-8971.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Carlisle AB, Snodgrass OE, Dewar H & NS Fisher. 2017. Isotopic insights into migration patterns of Pacific bluefin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. [pdf]
Shipley ON, Brooks EJ, Madigan DJ, Sweeting CJ & RD Grubbs. 2017. Stable isotope analysis in deep-sea chondrichthyans: recent challenges, ecological insights, and future directions. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries. [pdf]
Tsai F-Y, Chiang W-C, Chen C-C, Madigan DJ & Y-S Ho. 2016. Feeding ecology of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the waters off eastern Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research.
Lee C-S, Lutcavage ME, Chandler E, Madigan DJ, Cerrato RM & NS Fisher. 2016. Declining mercury concentrations in bluefin tuna parallel reduced emissions into the North Atlantic. Environmental Science & Technology. [pdf]
Wang C, Baumann Z, Madigan DJ & NS Fisher. 2016. Contaminated marine sediments as a source of cesium radioisotopes for benthic fauna near Fukushima. Environmental Science & Technology.
Carlisle AB, Litvin SY, Madigan DJ, Lyons K, Bigman J, Ibarra M & JJ Bizarro. 2016. Interactive effects of urea and lipid content confound stable isotope results in elasmobranchs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences.
Madigan DJ, Chiang W-C, Wallsgrove N, Popp BN, Kitagawa T, Choy A, Tallmon J, Ahmed N, Fisher NS & C-L Sun. 2016. Intrinsic tracers reveal recent foraging ecology of Pacific bluefin tuna at their primary spawning grounds. Marine Ecology Progress Series. [pdf]
Kwon SY, Blum JD, Madigan DJ, Block BA & BN Popp. Quantifying mercury isotope dynamics in a captive pelagic fish, Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis). Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.
Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Gardner LD, Jayasundara N, Micheli F, Schaefer KM, Fuller DW & BA Block. 2015. Assessing niche width of endothermic fish from genes to ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Brooks EJ, Bond ME, Gelsleichter J, Howey LA, Abercrombie DL, Brooks A & DD Chapman. 2015. Diet shift and associated site fidelity of oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) along the edge of the Great Bahama Bank. Marine Ecology Progress Series. [pdf]
Lyons K, Preti A, Madigan DJ, Wells RJD, Blasius ME, Snodgrass OE, Kacey D, Harris JD, Dewar H, Kohin S, MacKenzie K & CG Lowe. 2015. Insights into the life history and ecology of a large shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) captured in southern California. Journal of Fish Biology.
Baumann H, Wells RJD, Rooker JR, Zhang S, Baumann Z, Madigan DJ, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE & NS Fisher. 2015. Combining otolith microstructure and trace elemental analyses to infer the arrival of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna to the California Current Ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Carlisle AB, Litvin SY, Hazen EL, Madigan DJ, Goldman KJ, Lea RN & BA Block. Reconstructing habitat use by juvenile salmon sharks links upwelling to strandings in the California Current. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Madigan DJ. 2015. Understanding bluefin migration using intrinsic tracers in tissues. In T Kitagawa & S Kimura (eds), Biology & Ecology of Bluefin Tuna. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Fisher NS, Fowler SW & DJ Madigan. 2015. Perspectives and reflections on the public reaction to recent Fukushima-related radionuclide studies, and a call for enhanced training in environmental radioactivity. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry.
Carlisle AB, Goldman KJ, Litvin SY, Madigan DJ, Bigman JS, Swithenbank AM, Kline Jr TC & BA Block. 2015. Stable isotope analysis of salmon shark vertebrae reveals ontogenetic changes in habitat in a pelagic shark. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Carlisle AB, Hoen DK, Popp BN, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE, Block BA & NS Fisher. 2014. Reconstructing trans-oceanic migration patterns of Pacific bluefin tuna using a chemical tracer toolbox. Ecology. [pdf]
Bradley CJ, Madigan DJ, Block BA & BN Popp. 2014. Amino acid incorporation and enrichment factors in Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis. PLoS ONE.
Fisher NS, Beaugelin-Seiller K, Hinton TG, Baumann Z, Madigan DJ & J Garnier-LaPlace. 2013. An evaluation of radiation doses and associated risk from the Fukushima nuclear accident to marine biota and human consumers of seafood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Snodgrass OE, Ergul HA, Dewar H & NS Fisher. 2013. Radiocesium in Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis in 2012 validates new tracer technique. Environmental Science & Technology. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z & NS Fisher. 2012. Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Litvin SY, Popp BN, Carlisle AB, Farwell CJ & BA Block. 2012. Turnover rates and fractionation of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in an endothermic teleost, Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis). PLoS ONE. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE, Litvin SY, Micheli F & BA Block. 2012. Stable isotope analysis challenges wasp-waist food web assumptions in an upwelling pelagic ecosystem. Scientific Reports. [pdf]
Carlisle AB, Kim SL, Semmens BX, Madigan DJ, Jorgensen SJ, Perle CR, Anderson SD, Chapple TK, Kanive PE & BA Block. 2012. Using stable isotope analysis to understand migration and trophic ecology of northeastern Pacific white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). PLoS ONE.
Burge EJ, Madigan DJ, Burnett LE & KG Burnett. 2007. Lysozyme gene expression by hemocytes in Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, after injection with Vibrio. Fish & Shellfish Immunology.
Madigan DJ, Shipley ON, Carlisle AB, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE & NE Hussey. In review. Isotopic tracers suggest limited trans-oceanic movements in North Pacific blue sharks (Prionace glauca). Frontiers in Marine Science.
Wright SR, Righton D, Naulaerts J, Schallert RJ, Bendall V, Griffiths C, Castleton M, David-Gutierrez D, Madigan DJ, Beard A, Clingham E, Henry L, Laptikhovsky V, Beare D, Thomas W, Block BA & M Collins. In revision. Site fidelity of yellowfin tuna in the central South Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I.
Madigan DJ, Arnoldi NS, Hussey NE & AB Carlisle. In revision. An illicit artisanal fishery reveals a new aggregation site for North Pacific white sharks. Conservation Letters.
Madigan DJ, Snodgrass OE, Hyde JR & H Dewar. In revision. Stable isotope turnover rates and fractionation in captive California yellowtail (Seriola dorsalis): insights for application to field studies. Scientific Reports.
Madigan DJ, Shipley ON & NE Hussey. In press. Applying isotopic clocks to reconstruct retrospective migration patterns in mobile marine predators in Madliger CL, Cooke SJ, Franklin CE & OP Love (Eds), Conservation Physiology: Integrating Physiology into Animal Conservation and Management. Oxford University Press.
Madigan DJ, Richardson AJ, Carlisle AB, Weber SB, Brown J & NE Hussey. 2020. Water column structure defines vertical habitat of twelve pelagic predators in the South Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Chiang W-C, Chang C-T, Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Musyl MK, Chang Y-C, Hsu H-H, Su N-J, Sun C-L, Ho Y-S & C-T Tseng. 2020. Stable isotope analysis reveals feeding ecology and trophic position of black marlin (Istiompax indica) in waters off eastern Taiwan. Deep Sea Research Part II.
Bastien G, Barkley A, Chappus J, Heath V, Popov S, Smith R, Tran T, Currier S, Fernandez DC, Okpara P, Owen V, Franks B, Hueter R, Madigan DJ, Fischer C, McBride B & NE Hussey. 2020. Inconspicuous, recovering, or northward shift: Status and management of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences.
Tamburin E, Elorriaga-Verplancken FR, Estupiñan-Montaño C, Madigan DJ, Sánchez-González A, Padilla MH, Wcisel M & F Galván-Magaña. 2020. New insights into the trophic ecology of juvenile white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in waters off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Marine Biology 167:55.
Wright S, Righton D, Riley A, Stamford T, Beard A, Clingham E, Henry L, Thomas W, Caswell D, Madigan DJ, Schallert R, Castleton M, Block BA & M Collins. 2019. Review of St Helena yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) tagging data. Collective Volumes of Scientific Papers: ICCAT 76(6): 207-28.
Ohshimo S, Madigan DJ, Kodama T, Tanaka H, Komoto K, Suyama S, Ono T & T Yamakawa. 2019. Isoscapes reveal patterns of δ13C and δ15N of pelagic forage fish and squid in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 175: 124-138.
Tamburin E, Kim S, Elorriaga-Verplancken FR, Madigan DJ, Hoyos-Padilla M, Sánchez-González A, Hernández-Herrera A, Castillo-Geniz JL, Godinez-Padilla CJ & F Galván-Magaña. 2019. Isotopic niche and resource sharing among young white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) and shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) from Baja California, Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 613: 107-124.
Chang C-T, Chiang W-C, Chang Y-C, Musyl MK, Sun C-L, Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Hsu H-H, Chang Q-X, Su N-J, Ho Y-S & C-T Tseng. 2019. Stable isotope analysis reveals ontogenetic feeding shifts in Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) off eastern Taiwan. Journal of Fish Biology 94(6): 958-965.
Shipley ON, Lee C-S, Fisher NS, Burruss G, Frisk MG, Brooks EJ, Zuckerman ZC, Herrmann AD & DJ Madigan. 2019. Trophodynamics and mercury bioaccumulation in reef and open-ocean fishes from The Bahamas with a focus on two teleost predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 608: 221-232.
Baumann Z, Madigan DJ & NS Fisher. 2019. Radioactive cesium from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in migratory marine animals in Nakajima T, Ohara T, Uematsu M & Y Onda (Eds), Environmental contamination by the nuclear power station accident: Earth Science aspects of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Station Accident. Cambridge University Press.
Madigan DJ. 2019. Dynamics of trans-Pacific migration in Pacific bluefin tuna based on chemical tracer techniques in BA Block (Ed.), Bluefin Futures. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Madigan DJ, Kitagawa T, Fisher NS, Baumann H, Snodgrass OE, Dewar H, Runsheng Y, Krabbenhoft DP & EM Sunderland. 2018. Mercury stable isotopes reveal influence of foraging depth on mercury concentrations and growth in Pacific bluefin tuna. Environmental Science & Technology 52(11): 6256-6264.
Madigan DJ, Snodgrass OE & NS Fisher. 2018. From migrants to mossbacks: tag and tracer-inferred habitat shifts in the California yellowtail Seriola dorsalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 597: 221-230.
Bird C, Trueman CN, Verrissimo A, Abrantes KG, Al-Reasi HA…Madigan DJ & others. 2018. A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 299-305.
Madigan DJ, Boustany A & BB Collette. 2017. East not least for Pacific bluefin tuna. Science 357(6349): 356-357.
Guerra AS, Madigan DJ & DJ McCauley. 2017. The worth of giants: The consumptive and non-consumptive use value of the giant seabass (Stereolepis gigas). Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems 28(2): 296-304.
Ohkouchi N, Chikaraishi Y, Close HG, Fry B, Larsen T, Madigan DJ, McCarthy MD, McMahon KW, Nagata T, Naito YI, Ogawa NO, Popp BN, Steffan S, Takano Y, Tayasu I, Wyatt ASJ, Yamaguchi YT & Y Yokoyama. 2017. Advances in the application of amino acid nitrogen isotopic analysis in ecological and biogeochemical studies. Organic Geochemistry 113: 150-174.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Snodgrass OE, Dewar H, Berman-Kowalewski M, Nishikawa J, Dutton PH, Weng KC & NS Fisher. 2017. Assessing Fukushima-derived radiocesium in migratory Pacific predators. Environmental Science & Technology 51(16): 8962-8971.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Carlisle AB, Snodgrass OE, Dewar H & NS Fisher. 2017. Isotopic insights into migration patterns of Pacific bluefin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. [pdf]
Shipley ON, Brooks EJ, Madigan DJ, Sweeting CJ & RD Grubbs. 2017. Stable isotope analysis in deep-sea chondrichthyans: recent challenges, ecological insights, and future directions. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries. [pdf]
Tsai F-Y, Chiang W-C, Chen C-C, Madigan DJ & Y-S Ho. 2016. Feeding ecology of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the waters off eastern Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research.
Lee C-S, Lutcavage ME, Chandler E, Madigan DJ, Cerrato RM & NS Fisher. 2016. Declining mercury concentrations in bluefin tuna parallel reduced emissions into the North Atlantic. Environmental Science & Technology. [pdf]
Wang C, Baumann Z, Madigan DJ & NS Fisher. 2016. Contaminated marine sediments as a source of cesium radioisotopes for benthic fauna near Fukushima. Environmental Science & Technology.
Carlisle AB, Litvin SY, Madigan DJ, Lyons K, Bigman J, Ibarra M & JJ Bizarro. 2016. Interactive effects of urea and lipid content confound stable isotope results in elasmobranchs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences.
Madigan DJ, Chiang W-C, Wallsgrove N, Popp BN, Kitagawa T, Choy A, Tallmon J, Ahmed N, Fisher NS & C-L Sun. 2016. Intrinsic tracers reveal recent foraging ecology of Pacific bluefin tuna at their primary spawning grounds. Marine Ecology Progress Series. [pdf]
Kwon SY, Blum JD, Madigan DJ, Block BA & BN Popp. Quantifying mercury isotope dynamics in a captive pelagic fish, Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis). Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.
Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Gardner LD, Jayasundara N, Micheli F, Schaefer KM, Fuller DW & BA Block. 2015. Assessing niche width of endothermic fish from genes to ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Brooks EJ, Bond ME, Gelsleichter J, Howey LA, Abercrombie DL, Brooks A & DD Chapman. 2015. Diet shift and associated site fidelity of oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) along the edge of the Great Bahama Bank. Marine Ecology Progress Series. [pdf]
Lyons K, Preti A, Madigan DJ, Wells RJD, Blasius ME, Snodgrass OE, Kacey D, Harris JD, Dewar H, Kohin S, MacKenzie K & CG Lowe. 2015. Insights into the life history and ecology of a large shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) captured in southern California. Journal of Fish Biology.
Baumann H, Wells RJD, Rooker JR, Zhang S, Baumann Z, Madigan DJ, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE & NS Fisher. 2015. Combining otolith microstructure and trace elemental analyses to infer the arrival of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna to the California Current Ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Carlisle AB, Litvin SY, Hazen EL, Madigan DJ, Goldman KJ, Lea RN & BA Block. Reconstructing habitat use by juvenile salmon sharks links upwelling to strandings in the California Current. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Madigan DJ. 2015. Understanding bluefin migration using intrinsic tracers in tissues. In T Kitagawa & S Kimura (eds), Biology & Ecology of Bluefin Tuna. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Fisher NS, Fowler SW & DJ Madigan. 2015. Perspectives and reflections on the public reaction to recent Fukushima-related radionuclide studies, and a call for enhanced training in environmental radioactivity. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry.
Carlisle AB, Goldman KJ, Litvin SY, Madigan DJ, Bigman JS, Swithenbank AM, Kline Jr TC & BA Block. 2015. Stable isotope analysis of salmon shark vertebrae reveals ontogenetic changes in habitat in a pelagic shark. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Carlisle AB, Hoen DK, Popp BN, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE, Block BA & NS Fisher. 2014. Reconstructing trans-oceanic migration patterns of Pacific bluefin tuna using a chemical tracer toolbox. Ecology. [pdf]
Bradley CJ, Madigan DJ, Block BA & BN Popp. 2014. Amino acid incorporation and enrichment factors in Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis. PLoS ONE.
Fisher NS, Beaugelin-Seiller K, Hinton TG, Baumann Z, Madigan DJ & J Garnier-LaPlace. 2013. An evaluation of radiation doses and associated risk from the Fukushima nuclear accident to marine biota and human consumers of seafood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z, Snodgrass OE, Ergul HA, Dewar H & NS Fisher. 2013. Radiocesium in Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis in 2012 validates new tracer technique. Environmental Science & Technology. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Baumann Z & NS Fisher. 2012. Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Litvin SY, Popp BN, Carlisle AB, Farwell CJ & BA Block. 2012. Turnover rates and fractionation of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in an endothermic teleost, Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis). PLoS ONE. [pdf]
Madigan DJ, Carlisle AB, Dewar H, Snodgrass OE, Litvin SY, Micheli F & BA Block. 2012. Stable isotope analysis challenges wasp-waist food web assumptions in an upwelling pelagic ecosystem. Scientific Reports. [pdf]
Carlisle AB, Kim SL, Semmens BX, Madigan DJ, Jorgensen SJ, Perle CR, Anderson SD, Chapple TK, Kanive PE & BA Block. 2012. Using stable isotope analysis to understand migration and trophic ecology of northeastern Pacific white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). PLoS ONE.
Burge EJ, Madigan DJ, Burnett LE & KG Burnett. 2007. Lysozyme gene expression by hemocytes in Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, after injection with Vibrio. Fish & Shellfish Immunology.